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Private Tunnel and NetworkManager

Private Tunnel is an OpenVPN-based VPN service provided by OpenVPN Technologies Inc. At some point I signed up for their service and found that while my phone used their Android app without any issues, NetworkManager part on my laptop was not really cooperating.

Eventually I've figured a workaround.

Update: The workaround can be found in Private Tunnel Knowledgebase.

Repeat the steps for the <extra-certs>..</extra-certs> section, and put this content at the end of the file usr.crt you have just saved previously.

How do I Connect to PrivateTunnel Using Ubuntu Linux


OpenVPN connected via NetworkManager on Fedora 23

NetworkManager does not support .ovpn files that you get from Private Tunnel, no matter how hard you try.

So, open e.g. San Jose.ovpn downloaded from Private Tunnel and you'll see:

setenv USERNAME ""
dev tun
remote 1194 udp
remote-cert-tls server
comp-lzo no
auth SHA1
verb 3
sndbuf 0
rcvbuf 0
socket-flags TCP_NODELAY





key-direction 1
-----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1-----
-----END OpenVPN Static key V1-----

On Fedora, you'll need to extract the contents of the .ovpn file to pre-defined locations ~/.certs and ~/.pki, as SELinux will otherwise prevent NetworkManager from reading the files (a feature, not a bug).

Save the contents between <ca></ca> to ca.pem, <cert></cert> to cert.pem, same goes for key and tls-auth.

The trick to get Private Tunnel working with Network Manager is to add extra-certs data to cert since there is no way to add extra-certs to OpenVPN command line via NetworkManager.

Afterwards, you will need to reference the files created during OpenVPN setup:


Configure endpoint, certificates.

After setting the endpoint (remote in .ovpn file above) and selecting the certificates clck "Advanced..."


OpenVPN Advanced Options - General

Select "Use LZO"


OpenVPN TLS Authentication

Verify Peer - remote is Server, set the path to tls-auth you created before and select "1" as key direction.

Now, Private Tunnel has posted their Network Manager guide detailing these steps, and they also want you to patch the openvpn script, but according to OpenVPN Community Wiki this is no longer needed, as --remote-cert-tls option passed by NetworkManager is the proper one.

Here's the cool part - based on my experience, all the certificates and keys are the same across all Private Tunnel endpoint, so if you want to connect to a different location, you only need to change the endpoint address.

As always, logs may help you to figure out what's wrong:

$ journalctl -u NetworkManager -f